手 機:18917074297(微信)
電 話:021-39529830-8012
The maximum shaft speeds shown in the above table are at suction pressure 0 kPa (0 PSIG).
Type of Fluids
Shaft Speed Range r/min
A3H 16-*R01KK-10* A3H 37-*R01KK-10* A3H 56-*R01KK-10* A3H
71-*R01KK-10* A3H100-*R01KK-10* A3H145-*R01KK-10* A3H180-*R01KK-10*
21 (3050) 25 (3630)
at 1500 r/min or more. For the design numbers of pumps for European Design
and North American Design Standards, please contact us.
Specifications and Design numbers for Special Fluids
Allowable Maximum Shaft Speed r/min
Phosphate Ester Type
Polyol Ester Type
Viscosity Range
mm2/s (SSU)
20 - 200 (98 - 927)
Their operating pressure and maximum shaft speed however differ
from the values in the table above depending on the fluid type.
20 - 200 (98 - 927)
Rated Rated
Intermittent Max.
As the specific gravities of water-glycol fluids and phosphate ester type
fluids are higher than one, an overhead reservoir is required when pumps are operated
21 (3050) 21 (3050)
Consult Yuken when pump is used over rated pressure because there is a restriction on operating condition.
Temperature Range
°C (°F)
Operating Pressure MPa (PSI)
Model Numbers
Geometric Displacement cm3/rev (cu.in./rev)
Minimum Adj. Flow cm3/rev (cu.in./rev)
Range of operating temperature and viscosities may differ
from those of petroleum based oils due to their characteristics.
Approx. Mass kg (lbs.)
Operating Pressure MPa (PSI)
The table above shows specifications for using petroleum based oils.
Pumps (customized design) for special fluids are also available.
21 (3050) 21 (3050)
0 - 50 (32 - 104)
0 - 60 (32 - 140)
Design Numbers for Special Fluid (Occasion of Japanese Std. "JIS")
0 - 60 (32 - 140) 10450
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄